South East Scoobies

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BIG"E" 07-08-2012 10:48 PM

Please explain Why??

Taken from FB posted by Crowmam

Hi Folks

After too much trial and tribulation, it has finally been decided to start the forum from scratch again. We should probably have done this the moment we realised there was a problem, but people have been trying to get things back ever since the crash took place.

We are hearing from too many members via places like Facebook that they are not posting because of the unresolved nature of things on SES and the fact that it could all be lost if we moved everything into a new forum.

What is going to be gained by changing things?
There are several posts that have been put on FB that could have been posted on this forum.

What are the unresolved problems I have not noticed any from my end?

Surely if it aint broke dont fix it.

All the posts being put on FB can only have a negative impact to SES.

Several members on here have said to me that they dont and wont go on FB...
What ever that has gone on behind the scenes is not doing SES any favours, or are we god forbid going to end up like Sussex?

The Surrey site seems to be very similar to the SES forum set up and they dont seem to have any problems or the need to upgrade.

ralliart didz 07-08-2012 11:10 PM

i wont go on fakebook :nono:,well said bigE. :doubleup:

Scott.T 07-08-2012 11:52 PM

if i could remove anything Facebook related easily from my phone, email and laptop i would . unfortunately all things these days come pre-installed and once registered its very difficult to hide from the Facebook world.
i wish i never registered and really don't get the point or want to risk airing any of my dirty washing in such a public arena.
i try to avoid Facebook as much as i try to avoid any product or media device starting with the letter 'i'

robinmgb 08-08-2012 07:04 AM

I agree, never use facebook, why would I want people seeing what I'm up to!

munk 08-08-2012 07:10 AM

all though i have aface book account i rarely use it.. and must admit that since ses started a page on there, (which im not involved with!!) the site has gone really quiet.. so in turn people havnt been posting much.. does have a knock on effect.... just hope what evers going on can be resolved, as this is, and hopefully will stay a bloody good forum!!:yeah:

SUBARMAN 08-08-2012 07:34 AM

The risks of opening an SES facebook account were presumably considered in some detail, as there were bound to be negative effects on the forum through opening up an alternative for people to use.

However, it is a facility that many seem to be enjoying, although it's not for me personally. I have enough time spent keeping up with my family on facebook without adding a car club into the mix.

I will be very sad if all the history from SES disappears.

The worst thing that can come out of all this as far as I am concerned is that SES ends up doing a "Sussex". I hope it doesn't come to that, as SES came about through the original SussexScoobies meltdown. How sad if SES does the same! Have we learned nothing?

If Steve has had enough of the forum and packs it in for personal reasons, why do we all have to know why? Surely personal is private? He does not owe any of us a reason as far as I can see.


Juppy 08-08-2012 07:47 AM

im on facebook and have joined SES on there but i very rarely use it, im always on this forum and i prefer it much more

Granby 08-08-2012 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by robinmgb (Post 94468)
I agree, never use facebook, why would I want people seeing what I'm up to!

How would people be seeing what your doing unless your posting it up on fb so people can see?

There seems to be a big confusion about fb, when you go on fb YOU decide who to be friends with and what information you share, people can ask to be you friend and you can say yes or no, if you do friend someone but don't like what they are posting then you can delete them

In the end it's costs nothing and can be a great way to keep in contact with people or pages (ie SES) and see what's happening or just have a laugh :)

Steve_PPP 08-08-2012 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by SUBARMAN (Post 94470)
The worst thing that can come out of all this as far as I am concerned is that SES ends up doing a "Sussex". I hope it doesn't come to that, as SES came about through the original SussexScoobies meltdown. How sad if SES does the same! Have we learned nothing?

Well said, Keith.

In my opinion, the facebook page has had a negative effect on SES. Yes, its an easily accessible media for chat. But it lacks the key fundamentals of a forum - structured sections, searchability, history. Conversations on facebook are lost further down a wall forever.

We're too good to 'do a Sussex'. We've got a great member base, we've invested in this site and items to make us stand out a bit more at shows/events. The donations we've received over the last couple of years to help run the club proves how much people like this place as a forum.

majorscooby 08-08-2012 09:03 AM

Well said Keith!!

Personally I would say close the FB page and bring all the car chat and threads back to Ses once / if it starts a fresh.

SpecB 08-08-2012 10:24 AM

Agreed - Although I am part of the Facebook group I have now effectively blocked it and have to actively go into the page to see posts etc. as most of what is posted in there is porn/pathetic or both.

If there needs to be any help setting up the new forums etc. let me know if I can be of assistance!

Hongkongfooi 08-08-2012 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by majorscooby (Post 94477)
Well said Keith!!

Personally I would say close the FB page and bring all the car chat and threads back to Ses once / if it starts a fresh.

agreed, but i never signed up the facebook page anyway

Tomma 08-08-2012 11:16 AM

Not on Facetw@t and until today didn't even know there was an SES facebook page!

Facebook is having a negative impact on all forums in general it seems, maybe closing it without warning would prompt people to come back on here to find out why they can't 'i like' stuff and see the grass is still greener here :-D

andy-m 08-08-2012 11:56 AM

i have to admit, altough I am in the SES FB group, i don't pay much attention to what's posted on there, I come to the forum instead.
The FB group I think would be handy for when forums are down or some technical issue prevents one or more of us from getting on to the forums as a backup form of staying in touch. Forums I think are a better format for what we post and are far easier to keep track of threads than in FB.

SeanMcKnetic 08-08-2012 12:55 PM

Over on Surrey Scoobies we have a Facebook page purely for visibility, but it is intended to direct people back to the Surrey Scoobies website for more in-depth discussion/info.

Myself and a couple of the other mods/admins on Surrey regularly notice how well SES does things. Don't downgrade your main online presence just because Facebook exists. Mark Zukerface could press a button next week and shut down all the Facebook pages for groups/clubs if he felt like it. Then you'd be back to square one.

SES forum is way too strong a resource to toss away like that.

Krissyb 08-08-2012 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by majorscooby (Post 94477)
Well said Keith!!

Personally I would say close the FB page and bring all the car chat and threads back to Ses once / if it starts a fresh.

x2 agree on this mate , It's hard following all the stuff on facetube

Steve_PPP 08-08-2012 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by SeanMcKnetic (Post 94503)
Myself and a couple of the other mods/admins on Surrey regularly notice how well SES does things. Don't downgrade your main online presence just because Facebook exists. Mark Zukerface could press a button next week and shut down all the Facebook pages for groups/clubs if he felt like it. Then you'd be back to square one.

SES forum is way too strong a resource to toss away like that.

Thanks Sean. There will likely be a few changes as we look to overcome this 'hurdle' but rest assured that SES will pull through as a forum, one way or another :ok:

SeanMcKnetic 08-08-2012 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Steve_PPP (Post 94506)
Thanks Sean. There will likely be a few changes as we look to overcome this 'hurdle' but rest assured that SES will pull through as a forum, one way or another :ok:

belliott 08-08-2012 02:34 PM

Can I ask who is on the ses Facebook then, as it seems no one on the site from this thread is there. I find the Facebook group quite handy as I'm very rarely at a computer in the day and my phone is easily accessible for facebook and it means I still have a bit of a catchup throughout the day.

Skullfudge 08-08-2012 03:23 PM

I dont do FB period

Anger 08-08-2012 03:37 PM

Yeah but your old haha

2-jaffacake-tone 08-08-2012 03:37 PM

I am :) I am all for it, most of the stuff on the Facebook page is banter that dosent need to be on the forum, I do agree that some of the stuff on the facebook page,such as majorscooby clean up pics would be nice to have a project thread.

As Iv said before it takes a couple of seconds to put a picture up on facebook compared to ses forum, if I think that it has value to the forum I would post it, I don't think the 2 can be compared as they are 2 compleaty different ways of communicating.

ralliart didz 08-08-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Skullfudge (Post 94512)
I dont do FB period

nor me,too many billy ive got 3,000 mates on there.

Wonkey 08-08-2012 03:52 PM

Can't even find the group on fb. Lool

Crowman 08-08-2012 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Granby (Post 94472)
How would people be seeing what your doing unless your posting it up on fb so people can see?

There seems to be a big confusion about fb, when you go on fb YOU decide who to be friends with and what information you share, people can ask to be you friend and you can say yes or no, if you do friend someone but don't like what they are posting then you can delete them

In the end it's costs nothing and can be a great way to keep in contact with people or pages (ie SES) and see what's happening or just have a laugh :)

Again perfectly said , as I've posted in another thread.

Anger 08-08-2012 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by ralliart didz (Post 94515)
nor me,too many billy ive got 3,000 mates on there.

Afraid you won't keep up ;)

BIG"E" 08-08-2012 06:45 PM

Could someone please answer my questions at the beginning of this thread.

There is no getting away from the fact that FB is damaging this forum.

Perhaps we should have a poll???

ralliart didz 08-08-2012 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Anger (Post 94528)
Afraid you won't keep up ;)


Crowman 08-08-2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by BIG"E" (Post 94530)
Could someone please answer my questions at the beginning of this thread.

There is no getting away from the fact that FB is damaging this forum.

Perhaps we should have a poll???

I disagree

belliott 08-08-2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by BIG"E" (Post 94530)
Could someone please answer my questions at the beginning of this thread.

There is no getting away from the fact that FB is damaging this forum.

Perhaps we should have a poll???

Is it though or is the forum quiet due to many of the newer people having to resign up from when it went wrong before?

Crowman 08-08-2012 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by robinmgb (Post 94468)
I agree, never use facebook, why would I want people seeing what I'm up to!

They won't if you set your privacy up to friends and family

majorscooby 08-08-2012 07:32 PM

There is Only one major issue for me one this site and it's as Jaffa has said before ' the loading up of pictures for threads ' going through poxy photo bucket before hand can be a blooming nightmare and thats even if its working well at times!

My login to photo bucket never seems to work properly and there's no way of getting away from it that pics from your iPhone straight to Faceache is soo easy!

So that is one thing I would like looked at if poss please, a better and easier way of getting pics on here. If not and there is no other way then hayho I understand!

At the weekend I shall post up all the stuff in a little thread on the engine bay clean up and bits and bobs that I have guiltily been putting on FB because of its ease. ( I'll get me coat ).

Anger 08-08-2012 07:42 PM

So it's all your fault Rich.... :D

Crowman 08-08-2012 07:46 PM

Rich, now you've got iPhone it's honestly a doddle .
Use the photobucket app , I can take a picture , upload it to photobucket and post it on SES all on my iPhone with just a few clicks .
Will show you next time we see eachother mate .

majorscooby 08-08-2012 07:49 PM

I seriously didn't know there was an app for photo bucket but my login details don't work so I'll look into it, must pop over now my old girl is running as I have a piece of intercooler paint to give to you. Funny thing to give someone but we understand what it's for!!

Granby 08-08-2012 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by BIG"E" (Post 94530)
Could someone please answer my questions at the beginning of this thread.

There is no getting away from the fact that FB is damaging this forum.

Perhaps we should have a poll???

I would say (and this is a guess) that the current forum software is not 100% stable, it may seem ok to normal users but behind the scenes there is probably lots of work going on to keep it working

The last outage and problems fixing it was the last straw I'd guess

Rich maybe it's your settings or connection but I very rarely have any problems with PB and all my pics posted on here are from PB, you can upload pics from your phone to PB but I do agree it's is easier going straight to FB

Hopefully FB and this forum can run alongside each other as they are 2 different types of social media but there will always be some kind of overlap between them

Crowman 08-08-2012 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by majorscooby (Post 94542)
I seriously didn't know there was an app for photo bucket but my login details don't work so I'll look into it, must pop over now my old girl is running as I have a piece of intercooler paint to give to you. Funny thing to give someone but we understand what it's for!!

You mean inlet paint mate
Would be good to see you and your car pal

lady-turbo-wrx 08-08-2012 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by robinmgb (Post 94468)
I agree, never use facebook, why would I want people seeing what I'm up to!

Surely you only post what you dont mind others seeing,you can go private for friends and family only,if you so wish,the FB page i feel was ok for general chit-chat,and a bit of a laugh as lots of us have FB,though it seems to have been turned into a Titty page of late..
my feeling is the forum is for more in-depth discusions,and just because im part of the FB group,i dont come onto the forum any less..

alfa male 08-08-2012 08:21 PM

Never been on Facebook and never will!

Crowman 08-08-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by lady-turbo-wrx (Post 94546)
Surely you only post what you dont mind others seeing,you can go private for friends and family only,if you so wish,the FB page i feel was ok for general chit-chat,and a bit of a laugh as lots of us have FB,though it seems to have been turned into a Titty page of late..
my feeling is the forum is for more in-depth discusions,and just because im part of the FB group,i dont come onto the forum any less..

Agree Trace

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