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Frenchie 19-03-2020 08:08 PM

So here in France we have all been told to avoid contact with others. You are allowed out for essential shopping, doctors,chemist,visit elderly relatives, friends and exercise,but not in groups.
Every time you go out you need to fill in and carry a form showing name,address and reason for being out. I've been running or cycling most days and as our house is so isolated haven't really noticed any difference. No panic buying here,unlike in the UK. My sister and sister in law say supermarkets are stripped bare of everything
Bars,restaurants, and non essential shops have been closed since Saturday. Very grim for the whole World at the moment,but hopefully China is the model and they seem to be slowly returning to normal. Hope everyone on here stays healthy.

BIG"E" 20-03-2020 09:49 AM

Thank you Terry.

I hope everyone on here stays safe.

At least we can go out for a drive and the price of petrol is going down..:doubleup:

Steve_PPP 20-03-2020 01:08 PM

It is certainly a strange and unprecedented time for the whole world. Stay healthy folks.

Scott.T 20-03-2020 03:19 PM

Not noticed a great deal of change other than panic buying, but stores have not been as bad as some images I've seen.

Still had to drive round and round bexhill today to find a parking space.
Despite bexhill being full of elderly residents they all seemed to still be out and about and using all the cafe and restaurant.
I hope they see sense soon, because we have all changed and adapted to protect the elderly and at risk, so they had better change their routines too.

Frenchie 20-03-2020 04:24 PM

Driving around looking for a parking space almost sounds enjoyable to me. As I don't need a doctor or chemist and rarely go shopping I have no legitimate reason to be out in the Subaru. My only hope is ,with the correct paperwork I'am allowed to check on my bees on the roof of an old floor mill in town.

Frenchie 21-03-2020 07:24 AM

As the news is so grim,searched around for something else to watch and found a really early Wheeler Dealers restoring a Golf GTi. Ed looks about 16 and Mike isn't carrying an timber.

asperformance 21-03-2020 09:35 AM

yep still pottering as normal for now........very uncertain times for a lot of people

stay safe

Steve_PPP 21-03-2020 10:35 AM

My office is now closed so WFH for the foreseeable future. Strange times. Picked up Ellie from school yesterday afternoon and no idea how long she'll be at home. She kinda understands what's going on as they've talked about it at school, but being only 6, i'm sure she doesn't fully get it. Feel sorry for those taking GCSEs/A levels/university exams. Not sure what will happen there.

On the food front, I'm fortunate enough to have not needed to step inside a supermarket in the last month. The weekly tesco home delivery that Claire sorts online and its still pretty much working like clockwork - presumably because the items are picked from the warehouse before the stock is cleared by locusts on the shop floor. Today's was pretty much normal, the only item missing was bog roll (and salad cream was sold out, wtf :lol: ). I understand there's a problem getting delivery slots due to demand, but we've got our one slot a week booked for the next month.

Again, its the elderly who are most at risk - most couldn't figure out internet shopping if they wanted to and therefore have to face the panic buying masses in store.... :(

Banstead Stig 21-03-2020 01:19 PM

No salad cream, Steve? It's the beginning of societal breakdown! Although that said, I prefer mayonnaise.

It's a truly bizarre situation.

Hope everyone stays safe, well and fed.

All the best.

Red Baron 21-03-2020 02:02 PM

Not sure where your deliveries come from Steve but Tescos have a big place on Manor Royal that only deals with online orders so the public don't get access. Unfortunately all ours come from the local stores.
We're currently ok for everything other than cornflakes, can't get them anywhere.
I'm working from home as well although the site is open for the manufacturing and test teams. If we do have to go in each team has been split in two so only half the team can be in the office at any one time, we're not allowed to move between buildings either. Must have looked like the building was being looted last week, people walking out with monitors and desktops and putting them in their cars. I've had my first PC based conference call with screen sharing and it worked fine, we have the option to do it with video as well but we've been asked to restrict that as much as possible due to the load on the network. When this does get back to normal I can see a real crackdown on inter site travel.
Biggest problem for us is our daughters job, she's on her last rescue flight to Paphos today with no guarantee of any more after that. Yesterday's announcement that the government will cover some of the wages of those that can't work was a relief as she was looking at 2 to 3 months unpaid.

RobEvo5 21-03-2020 04:48 PM

Keeping head above water. But being self employed its having and impact already with customers delaying or cancelling work. Not impressed with chancellor so far, who is currrently willing to help PAYE's but no mention of self employed which must be a huge part of the country.

If I self issolate, or loose customers or go into lockdown which WILL happen at somepoint. I'm currently fecked. But early days and no doubt more announcements will come.

At this point in time, I'm less concerned about the virus and more concerned about the economic impact which has the potential to be far reaching and for a very long time long after this virus has passed. The financial system of the world was on the verge of collapse long before this, this will need some kind of reset at the end of it.

But stay safe and healthy and do you part to mitigate this, and help where you can and will get through it.

Scott.T 21-03-2020 05:01 PM

Pretty much agree with all the above.
Not sure how long WFH will be possible but we just need to see how it goes.
I set up a banter workplace chat group so we can ping stuff about to keep moral up and stop us all going stir crazy.
I just hope the lockdown doesn't get as bad as Spain who just seem to be shutting down and kicking the virus can down the road. The only way to fight it is building immunity.

Steve_PPP 21-03-2020 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Red Baron (Post 251998)
Not sure where your deliveries come from Steve but Tescos have a big place on Manor Royal that only deals with online orders so the public don't get access. Unfortunately all ours come from the local stores.

Yes, ours comes from Manor Royal depot, despite having a large Tesco about half a mile away. Always thought that odd, but it's certainly having its benefits now.


Originally Posted by Red Baron (Post 251998)
Must have looked like the building was being looted last week, people walking out with monitors and desktops and putting them in their cars.

We're the same, thankfully i don't get involved with the asset tracking of kit as that must be a nightmare. Not to mention if someone takes company kit home and there's some kind of electrical fault/fire. Hopefully everything people have taken is at least PAT tested.

I've even seen one person chuck their office wheelie chair in the back of their car! :cuckoo:

Banstead Stig 21-03-2020 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Steve_PPP (Post 252006)
I've even seen one person chuck their office wheelie chair in the back of their car! :cuckoo:

One of the PAs at our place did that. Insane!

nikkinokkinoo 21-03-2020 09:07 PM

No easy fix to this one.

It's like trying to hit an apex in a super tanker.

The NHS have finite resource to deal with the condition and the only control is the social distancing which is no exact science.

What a dichotomy between life / health, social connection and economic impact.

Respect to those NHS folks, they are going to be in for a very difficult time.

SpecB 22-03-2020 05:59 AM

It’s the start of a long strange and unsettled period! Couldn’t believe people yesterday near me carrying on and socialising kids all out in groups or in the play parks. I’m hoping it’s was people’s final grasp at normality before they do the right thing.
I played golf yesterday and it was a very strange feeling - almost like we were doing something wrong! But yes we kept to the 2m distancing (far better than the scrum that’s was Morrison’s) and the clubhouse was shut so we were outside the whole time. Need something to hold on to normal life in these times.

If anybody wants help with any home learning stuff for trapped kids feel free to drop me a message - best through the FB page to be honest if you want a reasonably fast response.

tbtstt 23-03-2020 12:18 PM

I am still working at the moment (thankfully as, as mentioned above, those of us who work for ourselves don't seem to have any options at present).

I have got used to keeping very little in the fridge/freezer as the other half passes a local Sainsburys on the way home from work every day, so we normally just pick up meals as we fancy them: had to join the masses early on Saturday morning to try and pick up a few days worth of food to put in the freezer, as the local place has been stripped bare by the time we get home in the evenings.

Some unbelievable behavior from people over the last few days (though, having said that, it isn't that unbelievable as people are often even more stupid than you realise!). Really hope that the majority start obeying the guide lines being laid out though, or things are going to become even more restricted for all of us.

Huge respect to the NHS staff and retail staff having to work through this.

Frenchie 23-03-2020 07:42 PM

Can't believe the pictures I have seen on of the television of mass gatherings in the UK. This is real and social isolation gives the virus no where to go. We have been in strict lockdown for a,personally I hate it,but has to be done. Fortunately we live in an old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere so used to not seeing traffic and people,but not being able to have friends around or go to friends is very difficult. Massively missing live sport,but my care of garden is almost weed free!!! Stay safe everyone and if possible stay at home.

555_Si 23-03-2020 10:16 PM

And uk lockdown started.

Scott.T 23-03-2020 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by 555_Si (Post 252019)
And uk lockdown started.

No more than was expected.
Brought in to stop idiots who continued to amble around the shops or play football in the park like normal.
Shutting all non food providing shops was the only way to stop it.
Tesco and Asda clothes sales will be popular now though

asperformance 24-03-2020 08:26 AM

but they haven't shut all of the shops, Mike Ashley and his Sports Direct empire is refusing to shut as just one example.............aside from the construction industry that always appear to put profit before anything else!!

unfortunately yet again its wishy-washy 'advice'..........

Bolesroor 24-03-2020 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by asperformance (Post 252021)
but they haven't shut all of the shops, Mike Ashley and his Sports Direct empire is refusing to shut as just one example.............aside from the construction industry that always appear to put profit before anything else!!

unfortunately yet again its wishy-washy 'advice'..........

BBC news report confirms Sports Direct won't be opening :ok:

georgehawkins27 24-03-2020 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by asperformance (Post 252021)
but they haven't shut all of the shops, Mike Ashley and his Sports Direct empire is refusing to shut as just one example.............aside from the construction industry that always appear to put profit before anything else!!

unfortunately yet again its wishy-washy 'advice'..........

B&Q and the like are also ceasing to trade for general customers. It will be interesting how it will be policed, considering many (me included) would like to use confined weekends to make home improvements.

Screwfix's website suggests click&collect is now only for essentials, and so at least they are suggesting online ordering 'only' for the masses.

Get your orders in early everyone 🤔😅

Sent from my G8441 using Tapatalk

Steve_PPP 24-03-2020 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by asperformance (Post 252021)
but they haven't shut all of the shops, Mike Ashley and his Sports Direct empire is refusing to shut as just one example..........


Originally Posted by Bolesroor (Post 252022)
BBC news report confirms Sports Direct won't be opening :ok:

I was watching this on BBC news this morning, apparently the CFO released a statement saying Sports Direct would be closing after all. Imagine that was a fun conversation between Ashley and the board :lol:

Scott.T 24-03-2020 07:38 PM

Is buying garage floor paint classed as essential provisioning

Bolesroor 24-03-2020 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Scott.T (Post 252025)
Is buying garage floor paint classed as essential provisioning

B&Q has also decided to keep its doors closed today so stores can decide how best to trade going forward.
However, they're expected to reopen tomorrow under normal trading hours, in the meantime, customers can still make orders on the B&Q website.
Customers with click and collect orders due today are being told their products should be available in-store tomorrow.
Just a snipet taken online about B&Q but other retailers included. It seems from tomorrow service resumes for the DIYer providing it's an ' essential product'

Bealey 24-03-2020 10:24 PM

I tried Screwfix earlier as I’ve been putting a new bathroom in at my own house for the last week and the last few bits I need I was told by their doorman it’s online only but the website was going to be down today so that was a good start to the day as it was for the wiring and to be able to turn my power back on. Luckily phase electrical are still trading but park outside and ring them and they bring it out for you so not all bad! McDonald’s at Bexhilllast night was hilarious tho and must of been an hour for some people as queued round the roundabout

Bealey 24-03-2020 10:30 PM

I was quite happy that I did manage to get a good run out in the scoob yesterday evening before Boris made his speech and also passed a nice blue bug with a small front plate in the bends by Ashburnham place

Scott.T 25-03-2020 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Bealey (Post 252027)
IMcDonald’s at Bexhilllast night was hilarious tho and must of been an hour for some people as queued round the roundabout

Who oh why oh why.
I avoid McDonald's at the best of times so cant understand their need to trade or peoples desire to eat it.

asperformance 25-03-2020 08:10 AM

exactly, no offence but people are being Dicks and not at all treating this with the importance that it deserves...........

its not a Bank Holiday jolly FFS

georgehawkins27 25-03-2020 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by asperformance (Post 252030)
exactly, no offence but people are being Dicks and not at all treating this with the importance that it deserves...........

its not a Bank Holiday jolly FFS

Are you still managing to trade Alyn?

Sent from my G8441 using Tapatalk

asperformance 26-03-2020 08:14 AM

No not really or certainly not 'normally', have been pottering trying to get vehicles back to customers so they aren't stuck here and returning what we can but very difficult due to lack of courier collections as one example

RobEvo5 26-03-2020 08:57 AM

Well Thats me off now, company i do most of my work for has closed it's doors for now and private customers don't/cant have me working, and it's almost impossible to get any materials. I Just hope the chancellor comes up with a sensible package tonight.

Has Anyone been out the last few days for food provisions. Appreciate they are low on things, but whats is like out there. Need to get bread, milk and food for the week, how bad is it, any recomendations in the hastings area where to go and where to avoid if you not that fussy what you get and want to avoid cues/people ? Thanks

Red Baron 26-03-2020 10:16 AM

That's pretty sh!t Rob, we've got a couple of guys putting a back door in for us at the moment but they're all masked and gloved up as best as they can.
I did Sainsburys yesterday afternoon to try and find a birthday cake for Hollie and I was pleasantly surprised, picked up everything including rice, pasta, toilet roll and milk, only thing we couldn't get was eggs. There was no sliced bread but quite a bit of fresh stuff from the bakery. This was about 5PM, not sure if there would have been more earlier in the day. Probably worth wearing latex gloves if youre worried about the trolley handles or baskets.

Biggest issue is the lack of wine, Sainsburys shelves were pretty much clear of anything but the expensive stuff and Virgin, Laithwaites and Majestic aren't accepting any more orders due to unprecedented demand!!!

RobEvo5 26-03-2020 10:45 AM

Thanks Shane, I'm ok for a little while, and Sherrill and Kiera still working being NHS support. I would do stuff about the house but can't as I don't have the materials I would need. I get the feeling this could be a long battle so really hoping the chancellor looks after the Self employed as well as Employed.

With regards to shopping, I was kinda hoping the shopping madness had settled down a little so will venture out later and try my luck. If it was really busy still, I was contemplating wearing a full white dust suite, full visor and respirator I have that I use for work which would have probably parted the isles and people nicely away from me. lol

Bummer about Wine though, and have heard Beer is in short supply as well. I'm good for now but will soon run out. Apart from nice food, drink and blowing the cobwebs off the playstation there is sod all else to do.

Frenchie 01-05-2020 09:46 PM

So how is everyone coping? Here in France the lockdown has been severe and well policed, but on my walking ,running and bee checking excursions yet to be checked. Can only speak for my region,but everyone has stuck to the rules and appears to be working. Even went shopping last week to have a blast in the Subaru and see other human life. For the first time ever wish we had neighbours. All being well from the 12th May we will have more freedom. Everyone stay safe and looking forward one day to a big SES MEET.

Steve_PPP 02-05-2020 06:07 PM

Glad your doing OK over there Terry.

Claire and I are getting by, missing the basics of life more than anything (1st world problems!). Not seeing friends/family, not being able to pop out for a pub lunch or coffee/cake etc. Not being able to get supplies of things easily...

But could be worse i guess. We're both healthy and avoiding it fine so far. Going crazy after 6 weeks working at home but at least i'm still working and earning, so can't complain.

Stay safe folks :ok:

Scott.T 02-05-2020 07:07 PM

I can't remember how many weeks I've been working from home now.
We are quite lucky because despite being at home the IT and remote desktop working means we can crack on. In fact I seem busier at home than I am in the office.
I'm have to make concerted efforts to walk away from the screen for a drink or food, otherwise I sit from 0800 - 1800+.....I even went up to 2130 one evening (better than the telly I suppose)

We are also lucky because Jo doesn't work at present and the boys are old enough to look after themselves.

Sammy has had his GCSE's scrapped, so not sure how that's going to work out. At least he won't have the stress of the exam's but I guess it's not quite the same being handed your results based on opinion rather than effort. We wanted him out of that school ASAP anyway (it's just **** on so many levels, and I don't envy anyone just start out putting their kids through school......or is it prison ??), we just didn't think it would happen like this.

Olly works in a pub, so that's obviously been brought to a halt. Although being a 19 year old boy he does seem to be doing a good job of sleeping through the pandemic. He even got the Furlough payment through last week and managed to bank £400 for sleeping for a month.

Hopefully things will start to pick up soon, but some things are going to be restricted for many months to come. Just being able to get out for a walk, that isn't just round the block, sit in a pub garden or chill out at a Goodwood Trackday....that's all I want from the next phase.
I just hope people are not jumping the gun too soon, because traffic seems constant today, and this saddens me,

All the best everyone and fingers crossed we can all get together some time soon.

Neil97rs 02-05-2020 09:33 PM

I’m working from home as well which is quite nice
But seem to do more here than I do in the office as Scott said above
Lucy is in the high risk category so this is her 7th week in doors with the kids off school
Oldest was supposed to be sitting her Sats exams and starting senior school in September. Still no word on how that will work
The youngest is only 6 so trying to keep them occupied that doesn’t involve computer games can be a challenge
Hope everyone else is well

scotty 03-05-2020 12:16 AM

Well I'm all good havent stopped working due to driving trucks if work starts to dry up then there will be more drivers getting offered furlough.

Frenchie 03-05-2020 08:45 AM

Can't see truck drivers being out of work Scotty. Agree with Scott, not looking for much,but would be great to be allowed out together, to be able to cycle and exercise more than one km from home. Death rate in France has dropped for the 24th consecutive day so our severe lockdown has worked. I think the UK reacted to slowly and didn't deal with constant large gatherings. If all goes to plan from 11th Mai we will be able to go out together, upto 100kms, no need for paperwork and gatherings of upto max 10 people. Will be able to cycle and fly fish in the river which will be bliss. Stay safe everyone.

Lucky 03-05-2020 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Scott.T (Post 252350)
I can't remember how many weeks I've been working from home now.
We are quite lucky because despite being at home the IT and remote desktop working means we can crack on. In fact I seem busier at home than I am in the office.
I'm have to make concerted efforts to walk away from the screen for a drink or food, otherwise I sit from 0800 - 1800+.....I even went up to 2130 one evening (better than the telly I suppose)

We are also lucky because Jo doesn't work at present and the boys are old enough to look after themselves.

Sammy has had his GCSE's scrapped, so not sure how that's going to work out. At least he won't have the stress of the exam's but I guess it's not quite the same being handed your results based on opinion rather than effort. We wanted him out of that school ASAP anyway (it's just **** on so many levels, and I don't envy anyone just start out putting their kids through school......or is it prison ??), we just didn't think it would happen like this.

Olly works in a pub, so that's obviously been brought to a halt. Although being a 19 year old boy he does seem to be doing a good job of sleeping through the pandemic. He even got the Furlough payment through last week and managed to bank £400 for sleeping for a month.

Hopefully things will start to pick up soon, but some things are going to be restricted for many months to come. Just being able to get out for a walk, that isn't just round the block, sit in a pub garden or chill out at a Goodwood Trackday....that's all I want from the next phase.
I just hope people are not jumping the gun too soon, because traffic seems constant today, and this saddens me,

All the best everyone and fingers crossed we can all get together some time soon.

Scott, sounds exactly like my life at the moment. Despite not being able to do viewings and valuations our current sales going through are all holding up and like you, I seem to be sitting in front of a screen or on the phone from 9 til 6.

I haven’t even managed to do some bits to the car that I thought I may get done. It just sits on charge.

Like you, looking forward to some normality. I certainly won’t ever take it for granted again.

Stay safe everyone.

Ferd 04-05-2020 02:30 PM

We're still in the standard lock down here in Luxembourg, with many having to stay home. We were all given masks by the communes a couple of weeks ago as they are now mandatory on public transport, shops etc where social distancing is difficult. Tests for all are coming in the following weeks.

My factory is staying open as it provides medical equipment, mostly parts for gas/liquid systems. For IT we need to have on-site presence so we've split the teams in two, so one works home one week, then we switch the following week.

Plans are now coming along for a slow return to normality, whatever that becomes.

Anyone want some cheap petrol? I think the French/Germans/Belgians in the surrounding towns are plenty annoyed they can't pop over for a fill up, it's under €1 now for all types, but it means fuel buying is down 70% in the country.

Frenchie 06-05-2020 07:30 PM

Hi Mate,glad to hear you're well. Fuel here is also very cheap, I have even been shopping just to give the Scooby a run. Lockdown here has been very strict, but all being well we will be allowed out Monday to some semblance of normality. Hoping for a big SES meeting when this is all over with overnight accommodation so that alcohol can be taken. Over to Big E to sort that.
Stay safe.

nikkinokkinoo 30-10-2020 02:56 PM

What do we think - another full lock down in the wings ?

georgehawkins27 30-10-2020 03:06 PM

Long story short, yes. If we don't, the local lockdowns will just expand though.

Highly unlikely to impact Christmas though.

Sent from my G8441 using Tapatalk

BIG"E" 30-10-2020 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by nikkinokkinoo (Post 253263)
What do we think - another full lock down in the wings ?

I think it's looking inevitable...

But who knows, there are some that say it doesn't exist..

Germany tried isolated lock downs now look..

I will consult my crystal ball and get the mrs to have a ride round on her broom stick to have look too.. :doubleup:

Scott.T 30-10-2020 03:25 PM

I reckon they should do a 3 week lockdown immediately before Christmas. Release the shackles on 23/24th December so people can go to family if no symptoms.

It sounds simple but I'm sure it will confuse many.

SpecB 31-10-2020 12:49 PM

Missed the boat for the 'circuit breakers' going to have to go longer and harder now to drive the rate back down. 1:5 schools are partially closed yet they want to keep schools open through the lockdown if it comes, call me niece but did the rates not increase most rapidly just after schools went back? We've had 3 year groups out for 2 weeks at a time already as there's no way to distance in the corridors so once we have a confirmed case they all have to go.
All good fun huh?

BIG"E" 31-10-2020 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by SpecB (Post 253268)
Missed the boat for the 'circuit breakers' going to have to go longer and harder now to drive the rate back down. 1:5 schools are partially closed yet they want to keep schools open through the lockdown if it comes, call me niece but did the rates not increase most rapidly just after schools went back? We've had 3 year groups out for 2 weeks at a time already as there's no way to distance in the corridors so once we have a confirmed case they all have to go.
All good fun huh?

Nick out of interest do the kids at your school wear masks?

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