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majorscooby 11-06-2010 06:25 PM

2010 world cup squad lists!
The following squads have just been announced for the 2010 World*

BRAZILIAN SQUAD FOR WORLD CUP 2010Pinnochio, Libero, Vimto, Memento, Borneo, Tango, Cheerio, Subbuteo, Scenario, Fellatio, Portfolio
SUBS: Placebo ,Porno ,Polio ,Banjo ,Brasso ,Stereo (L) ,Stereo (R) ,Hydrochlorofluoro , Aristotl0, Computersezno * **

YUGOSLAVIAN SQUAD FOR WORLD CUP 2010Itch, Annoyingitch, Hardtoreachitch, Scratchanitch, Hic, Sic, Spic, Pric, Digaditch, Fallinaditch, Horseraditch
SUBS: Mowapitch, Letsgetrich ,Shagabitch*

RUSSIAN SQUAD FOR WORLD CUP 2010Whodyanicabolicov, Ticlycov, Chesticov, *Nasticov, Slalomsky, Downhillsky, Risky, Swedishshev, *Mastershev, ****ov, *U****ov
SUBS: Rubitov ,Gechakitov , Sodov , Pastryshev , Najinsky , Ivorripabollockov , Taykitov

ROMANIAN SQUAD FOR WORLD CUP 2010Chatanoogaciouciou, Atishiou, Blessiou, Thankyiou ,Busqueue, Snookercu, Pennyciou,Twoapennyciou, Fourapennyciou, I'llgetciou, Youandwhosarmi
SUBS: U ,NonU ,ManU , Stuffyiou, Lee Kwan Yu*

DANISH SQUAD FOR WORLD CUP 2010Too,Tryandstopussen, Crapdefenssen, *Haveagossen, Firstsson *Seccondsson,Thirdsson, Legshurtssen, NotroubleseeingussenWherestheballssen, Getthebeerssen
SUBS: Howmanygoalsisthatssen , Finallygaveupcountinssen , Hurryupandblowthewhistlessen , Yourelatedtoalexfergusonssen

ITALIAN SQUAD FOR WORLD CUP 2010Baloni, Potbelli, *Beerbelli, Giveitsumwelli, Wotsontelli, Yrarseissmelli, *Onetoomani , Legslikejelli, Havabenni, Wobblijelli, Spendapenni
SUBS: Cantthinkofani!!! Buggermi*

DUTCH SQUAD FOR WORLD CUP 2010Kenning van Hire, Van Diemansland ,Van der Valk,Van Gard, Van Erealdizeez, Ad van Tagus, Hertz van Rental, Transit van Dors, Van Coova * * * * * * * Van Sprokendown, *Aye van Hoe
SUBS: Van Iller, Van Ishincreme , Van MorrisonTwo players who are not included are Russian hard-man Sendimov, who will be serving a three-month suspension, and the hard-working Mexican midfielder, Manuel Labor.

There is no place in the Dutch squad for les bian tranny, Dick van Dyke.The young Dutch star Per Vert has been excluded from the squad, after he was discovered in the back streets of *Amsterdam *with his finger in a dyke.


Steve_PPP 11-06-2010 09:53 PM


nice one mate. hope the rest of its better than the Uraguay - France game!

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