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BIG"E" 20-12-2020 01:35 PM

Happy Blooming Christmas From Tier 4
Thanks Covid19

And all the :wa: DICKHEADS for not wearing masks or social distancing,

going from the lowest rates in the country to some of the highest.:cry:

Happy Christmas everyone I hope you all stay safe and enjoy this festive time as much as possible.

Bring on 2021 surely things can only get better.:santawave::santawave::santawave: :santawave:

Banstead Stig 20-12-2020 02:20 PM

It's got very little to do with masks and social distancing. Did the Bournemouth beach effect ever materialise? No.

The top places for transmission are supermarkets, secondary schools and universities. You could observe all the rules perfectly, but if you are going to a supermarket or interacting with school pupils/uni students, the risks are higher.

The new strain appears more transmissible. That's what will be the main driver of what's caused the issue you've referred to.

If you were in the lowest, but now highest affected area, is that because people suddenly stopped observing social distancing? Unlikely. Those not observing it never would have done.

The higher transmissible strain is a far more likely cause.

Just as Manchester and Liverpool were in bad shape earlier in the year, now the South East is.

I won't get into my views on the whole situation, but to say mistakes were made at the outset is an understatement. Wuhan hasn't had a new case in three or four months...

Hope everyone stays safe and has as good a Christmas as is possible in the circumstances!

Scott.T 20-12-2020 05:15 PM

The new strain and the surge in infection rates started to kick in back in October.
The new strain seems to effect the younger generation.
Now let's think. When did schools and universities go back, arh yes that'll be September just before it all started to go pear shaped.
Every case I have heard of in the last 2 months has been in schools and colleges.

And while I'm having a moan is buying a McDonald's, sitting in Costa and queuing outside Primark so import to people that they put that before the health of friends and family.

nikkinokkinoo 20-12-2020 05:15 PM

This guy gives pretty informed view on the latest and greatest:

Frenchie 20-12-2020 07:25 PM

We have a French friend who works in China, the difference in China is that if they tell you not to go out you don't go out our you end up in prison or disappear. So if people don't mix the virus has no where to go. That control doesn't exist in Europe and certainly not in America. My sister in law and husband live in LA and no one obeys the rules. Since the start of the virus in America gun sales have gone through roof,speaks volumes. Hope everyone on here has the best possible Christmas and once it is all over turns up for the biggest ever SES meet which Big E is going to organise.

RobEvo5 23-12-2020 03:48 PM

I hope I'm wrong and I wouldn't say I'm a conspiracy theorist, but I do like to make my own judgments and do my own research and read allot of Alternative media and I fear this thing is along way from being over, and in one shape or another the virus, the vaccine and economic fallout/reset is going to be with us for many years to come.

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