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Old 19-11-2012, 10:24 PM
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Scott.T Scott.T is offline
Admin, Meets/Events Organiser.... formerly known as SilverSurfer
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Hastings, East Sussex
Posts: 9,483

Date/Venue confirmed and booked, and Post # 1 updated.
Currently booked for 15 as some may drop out due to location/date, but I can add/subtract accordingly.

Will need to confirm final numbers and menu choices by 7th December.
No deposit will be required, but if anyone drops out after 7th December you will be asked to pay the £25 cover price, to be paid to SES donations. Hopefully this will prevent people dropping out, which we have suffered from in previous years.

Menu :

1. SilverSurfer : Prawns, Pork, Pud (well it would be rude not to have a PPP)
2. Hongkongfooi :
3. Steve_PPP :
4. Anger :
5. BIG"E" :
6. BlueBugEye :
7. munk :
8. Bolesroor :
9. Stiggy :
10. Tomma :
11. Nige :
12 Frenchie :
13. kartingsteve :
14. SeanMcKnetic :
15. Majorscooby :
16, Simba :
17. Simon :
18. Bogg123 :
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