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Old 25-07-2011, 06:02 PM
pigSTi pigSTi is offline
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Originally Posted by worzel View Post
It is the best way without doubt

The thing to remember is you are driving it home after the weekend. It's totally different if like Neil you know the track well. He can batter round there pretty bloody quickly, but for us mere mortals you are better off taking it easy and enjoying what is without doubt a great experience.

It's a weekend that caters for all at the end of the day. Some people are there to get on the track and round the track as quickly as possible, no matter what. Some will go round in a fairly spirited fashion on or near the limits. Some will go round there quickly, yet still well inside the limits. Some will take it easy and play it safe. There's no rules you have to follow, you do it how you want to do it matey.

My only recommendation would be, don't follow someone in the group first time out, it's just far too easy to get sucked into a pace you are not comfortable with.

The weekend is about a good time at the end of the day. Some nice meals, a few Bitburgers and most importantly a great laugh with a good bunch of blokes.

Fantastic advice/info - it does sound like a bloody good weekend holiday. It's really good to know all of what you wrote there thanks

What are bitburgers? German beefburgers? My missis has a little German blood but has never been over there so she is looking forward to seeing the country.