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Old 30-07-2011, 06:15 PM
pigSTi pigSTi is offline
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Default 7 hour detail. It hurts.

Copied over from my thread on Surrey Scoobies

Righty, following on from my earlier thread in "chatter"

OK so I was ready at Halfords when they opened at 09:02 this morning having had a rather tasty double sausage and egg McMuffin with OJ.

In there, I bought myself:

Megs NXT Wash & Wax Kit
Turtlewax Clay kit x 2
AG bodywork Conditioner
Megs Ultimate Wash & Wax
Megs Hot Rims wheel cleaner
Megs alloy wheel brush

Cost me 90 of my good English pounds. :shrug:

So after Halfords had finished with the KY and I had pulled my trowsers back up, I scooted off to my dear nan & grandads to begin what turned out to be a 7 hour cleaning "sesh".

Reason being for said "sesh" is partly because it had been 5 months or so since my last proper detail and partly because the old girl had just ticked past 60k miles I drink to that. Water though because I'm ******* dehydrated now.

Oh my god, just checked my phone and the total uploaded pics is 32. I will do all of them, then remove (if necessary) after I can see what they look like on the screen - mobile screens no good really, too small.


The process I used was this - if I can remember exactly.

01. Jet wash using the spinny nozzel - hurts my skin this one, nasty
02. Hand was using Megs wash mitten and AG Bodywork Conditioner
03. Rince using jetwash
04. Hand dry using microfibre cloths
05. Clay entire car
06. Hand was using Megs wash mitten and AG Bodywork Conditioner (less potent mix of AG though this time)
07. Hand dry using microfibre cloths
08. Soak wheels with Megs Hot Rims, leave for a while, brush off and rince with jetwash
09. Hand apply AG Super Resin Polish
10. Buff off using DA polisher
11. Apply Megs NXT Tech Wax using the applicator supplied.
12. Buff off using microfibre cloth (no DA)
13. Apply AG Vinal & Rubber Care to all outside black trim, door rubbers, bonnet/boot rubbers etc
14. Clean out door sills, shuts and the fuel filler bit
15. Clean all glass and lights with AG Fast Glass
16. Clean engine bay with AG Vinal and Rubber Care.
17. Treat tyres with AG Vinal and Rubber Care
16. Clean door cards etc with AG Vinal and Rubber Care
17. Take photos, ache like ****.

I didn't hoover because to be honest I couldn't be arsed and it wasn't that dirty anyway. Come to think of it the car wasn't that dirty either but hey ho.

Claying it produced little dirt, compared to last time, so that works well.

Right, pictures.

A couple first of it dirty. Shameful.

Shocking eh? Oh and by the way, the Megs wash & Wax I bought is to be used in place of the AG Bodywork Conditioner inbetween waxing sessions. The AG will be used prior to waxing sessions as per today.

Now onto the afters...

All in all, a successfull day but very very tired now! Next up is a visit to SSS next weekend to see Dan for a 60k service and have the rear shocks stripped and packed with fresh grease for I have the dreaded knock going on.

Cheers all, hope you enjoy the multitude of pictures :ithankyou:

Whoops, more pictures, thought they'd finished...

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