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Old 03-09-2011, 12:41 AM
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Moley_WRX Moley_WRX is offline
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Originally Posted by kirk View Post
yer i do so wish what is the problem ??? why cant people get on ? all i want is to run the meet at the marina for all sites to enjoy is this a problem ??? i dont even care what site it is ss ses or surey or any one else i just want it to work is that alot to ask for ??? and what was wrong with my coment on ss it was abit childish wasnt it why was i bloked from getting on here ??? ive done nothing wrong !!!!
Calling people twats doesn't help much though does it?

And the ''can't wait to meet you all'' comes accross in a way that i hope you didn't mean it to, because if you ment it how it sounds (ie meet me by the school gates for a fight) then you should be banned from SES and SS. No place for that on any forum. (IMO of course, and i hope you didn't mean it that way)

This isn't Scoobynet you know, lol!!!