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Old 24-04-2012, 01:02 PM
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Kerstin Kerstin is offline
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Originally Posted by worzel View Post
That's not good to hear. It looks quite nice on google search. But then again, so does Crowborough

So how far are you from the Airport? That adds another scenario if it's a long way off.

You could always move to Blighty and get yourself a nice P1 to blast around in
I'm 1 hour and a half from Dresden or about 2 hours away from Leipzig (both by car). From Leipzig Ryanair is flying directly to Stansted but comparing all the costs that would be even more expensive for me than flying with Lufthansa from Dresden. Because to Dresden I can go by train which doesn't cost me anything as I work for the railways. This doesn't work for Leipzig as Ryanair fly at night. So on the way back I would get stuck at some railway station for the night. Flying Ryanair would bring up another problem. As they are so strict on luggage sizes and weights it would be nearly impossible to bring the laptop over. (Haven't got an i-pod or so to go on the internet ). That's why I decided to try this conneting flight via Frankfurt two weeks ago (10 hours from my house to Heathrow). It worked quite well on the way to London but on the way back it was a nightmare. Delay from London, running around like a lunatic at Frankfurt, nearly missing the conneting flight, then nearly missing the train in Dresden........... Not nice at all. Am not sure what I'll do next time. I might go to Frankfurt by train. So at least I won't have a conneting flight.

I like your last remark, Steve. Owning a P1 WOULD be a dream come true. I was quite close to moving over to England about 10 years ago. But then I got a safe job here and as I'm the only one in the family who can look after my Mum, I stayed.
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