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Old 23-02-2013, 04:41 PM
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Originally Posted by BIG"E" View Post
Thanks to everyone that made todays meeting a good one..

I was nice to have a chat with Burble and his good lady, also it was good to meet Bonner.
Special thanks to Munk for making one of his hardest decisions he has had to make in a while, in getting his 1 out of the garage, it must have taken a lot.

On a different note please can the people that left without paying for two burgers please own up on the forum or via PM.

Who ever it is now owe us the sum of £7.50 per burger.

Great meet, and really nice to catch up with old and new faces (dont take that the wrong way 'E'

Burble, definately the right decision to come to Germany, its a great laugh. And as you didnt buy my car when I sold it, you are allowed to come. If you had bought it, you would have been barred

On the food front, before the food was finally ordered I checked with the pub, there were 19 orders and 19 peeps, so the right amount. It may be that the pub themselves didn't tick it off but if anyone has left and forgot to settle up which is easily done , then let 'E' know, cheers.

Last edited by Lucky; 23-02-2013 at 04:46 PM.
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