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Old 29-09-2008, 09:37 PM
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Steve_PPP Steve_PPP is offline
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Default Re: Wales Rally GB.....

I'll be able to help you out mate - i'm there this year and have been going for the last 9 years now. Starting off marshalling (i'm an MSA marshal) until they changed the regs in 2003 and a friend i go with couldn't marshal anymore (he isn't a registered marshal) so we've just been spectators since.

I partly agree with Scott and partly don't. Yes it is more commercial now, and yes, there are spectator pens that you can get herded into. But there only next to the car parks and full of lazy people who don't want the short hike into the forests. Out there, you can pick your spot, often with no marshals around at all. Its just as good as it ever was, in that sense.

I've got stage maps for all of the Saturday and Sunday stages (plus others they're not using this year), but Friday's stages haven't been used since 2000, so no decent maps around at the moment. Still, i know some good spots from those from marshalling when i started out Drop me a PM with your email address and i'll send over a zip file of stuff if you're interested.

I'm staying at a B&B in Brecon as its fairly centrally located, and we know the people there - stay there every year. They even give us the same room every time Its also a lot quieter than staying closer to Cardiff, which gets packed out.

edit/ just bear in mind, it takes ages to clean the car when it gets back like this:
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