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Old 12-06-2009, 08:47 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Worzels 2.5 shopping list

Brilliant stuff guys. The advice is priceless.

I am 99% certain that I dont want to go over 400bhp.

My only fear is, if in 18 months time or so, I then decide to push it a little further I will be swearing at myself for not doing what I could now. It's a real bugger to be honest.

I also know that going over the magic 400bhp brings problems that someone with my VERY limited mechanical knowledge will struggle to comprehend and be able to cope with.

Putting that last bit in writing really has just brought it home a little bit I am venturing into very uncharted waters for me, if I try to go big just for the sake of it. I think I have maybe been eating too much cheese late at night and dreaming too much. The decision is made. Once and for final.

I will be staying UNDER 400bhp, as per my original statement. 370 / 380 + good torque figures will do me very nicely thank you. The one thing I do want to do though is make it as bullet proof as possible. So people, please guide me as to the bits I need for a bullet proof 2.5 with the figures I just quoted.

Many many thanks guys!
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