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Old 06-07-2014, 09:43 PM
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Scott.T Scott.T is offline
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Originally Posted by scooby doo View Post
Could strapping it down more help Scott?
No idea mate, I'm not an expert on the in's/out's of rolling road setup.
But it's quite common for a road mapped car not to hit target boost on the rollers.
I think it's something to do with the loading. But as you say it could be down to strap tension.

It's also been know for some dyno mapped cars to then over-boost on the journey home, particularly on the motorway on 3/4's throttle.

My boost plot actually shows oscillation as it came on boost, so it was trying to hit target, but then gave up and ran slightly down on target.

In hindsight I probably should of sat in the car with Charlie (as I did back in 2009) and tweaked the boost duty to get it on target.....oh well maybe next time.
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