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Old 04-11-2014, 11:02 AM
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Steve_PPP Steve_PPP is offline
Admin, Meets/Events Organiser
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Burgess Hill, Sussex
Posts: 13,269

I had been holding off confirming as I've still not had the usual stand layout or final info through yet.... but need to get the ball rolling!

We will be using the same meeting point as we did last year!

Please make sure you are at Wested Lane, which is just off Junction 3 of the M25 (opposite side to Brands Hatch) - postcode is BR8 8EE.

We will queue up on the side of the road (in the area where the red lines are on the map above). I will be handing out tickets/car passes to people as they arrive. If I've got distracted by someone and you don't have your tickets within a few minutes of arriving, come and make yourself known! (For the newbies, ask someone to point you in my direction ) From there, we will go back under the M25 and convoy up to Brands Hatch.

Meet at Wested Lane - 7:45am
Leave for Brands Hatch - 8am sharp, to arrive approx 8:15am

Please be on time. If anyone has not arrived at the meeting point by 8am, then we may leave without you (we can't delay the whole group). If this happens, I will try and leave your tickets with the gate staff at Paddock entrance, but this cannot be guaranteed. If this is going to be a problem for anyone, then please PM me in advance.

Finally - a few words about behaviour. (and yes, most of this is copied and pasted from last years thread ) I know with the people on the list we shouldn't have any problems, but perhaps its worth us stating the obvious. We want you to all have a great day out but remember you are part of this club and representing SES by being on our club stand. Any bad driving or behaviour reflects negatively on us and may prevent us from being allowed to attend future events. No donuts on the grass at Brands, no speeding/racing in the convoy. Anyone found acting stupidly or dangerously may be denied access to the event and may have their access to the forum removed. All common sense stuff for 99% of folks, but we don't want the 1% ruining it.

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