Thread: Project: 555
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Old 18-04-2015, 09:43 AM
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Default Project: 555

Suppose I better start a project thread as today is a new page for me in Subaru ownership. I generally don't buy a make of car twice, especially straight after owning one already, I prefer to move on and try something else. Though recent activities put a premature end to my Subaru driving experience which I wasn't ready to give up, mostly because of the excellent people on here.

It all started about this time last Saturday, when after a year of my wagon sitting on the drive, it was finally back on the road, after a manic week of running around getting everything sorted. We got up early, lack of sleep and generally feeling knackered, Jo and I drove down to the Harwood track day at Goodwood. I was looking forward to a nice day of enjoying my car again. Unfortunately Scott couldn't make it, which I was slightly disappointed with, as he had organised it all, but family illness meant he was on bucket duty.

All week I had been looking at the weather app on my phone and everything seemed perfect. Well seems the rain made an appearance, which appears I wasn't completely geared up for.

My first session I went out taking it easy, getting used to the car again. Chequered flag came out and cool down lap commenced, got as far as St Mary's where I saw a Ferrari in my rear view mirror coming up quite quickly, so I decided to take the bend a little quicker than my normal cool down speed, but no where near the speed I went on the previous lap.......... Something went wrong on the exit, back swung round and after a few nano seconds of trying to rescue the car, the wet grass and the tyre wall did the rest.

Feeling quite ashamed of my stupidity and foolishness, my thoughts now turned to Jo's safety (honestly), then to the reality of, great another Scooby owner crashing at Goodwood and the embarasment of returning. To the pits, tail between legs.

Well Jo was ok, after the initial shock, I was happier as the car still drove, but most of all I was treated by truely kind people I am lucky to call friends, yes you lot. I still had a fantastic day, but my brain couldn't stop thinking about what was next.

Car home I decided I was going to probably repair the wagon and but a hawk front end on it. After several days of changing my mind about 100 times, it looked like I was going to do a bugeye prodrive saloon conversion on the front.

I was just going to order the parts when CJ sent me a message that would change everything.......James Nash's (Angers) caged rolling shell 555 classic was for sale. I have never moved so quick in my life, a few frantic phone calls to CJ, James and the finance Minster (Jo) and a deal was struck.

So where are we now?
Well today is the day, I clear the garage (sorry Golf R32) and CJ and I (big thanks to CJ, a true enthusiast and general good guy) go and pick up the car. I have not felt this for ages, very excited is an understatement.

So there you go, introduction over, let the project begin!
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