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Old 19-01-2016, 10:20 AM
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thepieman thepieman is offline
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So you've got one employee supposedly 'resigned'! what about the other employee in the car? both are as equally responsible........ so thats two employee's!

Then you have the manager! (so called) unprofessional to say the least with his comments throughout......thats three!!. so the problems at SC seem more ingrained than just one employee!

Arguements about the release of the video make no sense at all! it was clear that unless resolved (which was so easy to do) this would escalate to probable litigation and both parties claim to have sort advice, both would have been told that evidence only needs to be provided at a certain point and rightly so, the owner of the video was holding on to the evidence until it was required that he release it. If SC had dealt with the situation better in the first instance then the video could have been seen, discussed and dealt with much, much easier.

If these employee's have been with the company for any length of time, then they are 'trusted' employee's, it doesn't matter what position you work in, you represent that company and it should be reprisentation at the highest level at all times........

When you work for a 'good' company respect is a by product that becomes second nature to everyone around that company, this shows that 'respect' is clearly lacking... respect for both customers and the company.

the comments about having staff outside filling the potholes are too little too late IMO, after all, how long have they been in business there and its only now that they can see them being a problem?

If they did do good work then its a shame, however to not resolve such a trivial issue prior to it becoming common knowledge is beyond me........ they have done as much damage to themselves in dealing with the issue as they have with there actions in the video.........

On the back of this incident...I would never recommend them or use them for anything........they appear highly unprofessional
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