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Old 24-06-2016, 07:36 PM
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Banstead Stig Banstead Stig is offline
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This is the thing though, we had secured that we wouldn't contribute to such bail outs, via a rebate. So in my opinion, the smart move for an uncertain person was to vote remain (that's not a dig by the way).

We could always seek to withdraw again, that was in our gift. Trying to rejoin if leave turns sour is very difficult and means all our special arrangements are lost... including keeping the pound!

I found this interesting...

The implication is that many people did not realise what the true seriousness of the vote.

I heard a chap interviewed who said he didn't want the Scots to leave, he just wasn't sure about the EU, so he regrets his vote. That was quite a clear risk, but he seemed to have got carried away.

I still believe we may not leave (which Boris hinted at months ago). If the other members are sensible they'll open up and reform to appease all unhappy members and seek to give a deal to keep us. If there's a second referendum or a general election the decision may be reversed. It's a remote, but not too remote, prospect.

Unfortunately, the right wing is all over this like a seagull on dropped chips which will make it tough!
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