Thread: New Rims.
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Old 10-10-2009, 07:29 PM
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Just had a quick play with the new bits, didn't really do it properly, just went over the car with the snow foam then a noraml two bucket wash with Megs Gold Class. Dried with MFibres then had a quick play with the waxes, didn't do it properly as I didn''t have time tp to strip all the wax off and clay prior to a proper re-protect but the existing wax (Megs NXT) is still in pretty good shape.
I quickly went over the bonnet with the Nattys Blue - what a great easy product to use and a really great depth to the shine. Taste buds wet now I quickly clayed the front wing, and the used the Black hole Glaze with the lake country pad, had to use a bit more than expected as the pad appeared to absorb quite a lot but it really brought the paint up a treat, not that is was that badly swirled but it gave it a real clarity. Next up was two coats of the EX-P sealant which gave a real shine to the finish before topping off with a coat of Nattys.

All the products gave an excellent finish for far less effort than anything I have used before. Thanks PB.
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