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Old 15-11-2008, 10:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Gutted evo driver

Originally Posted by worzel
Spot on matey, I am really looking forward to getting my grubby paws on it.

I love everything about my STi8, this afternoon it once again proved its metal, following an M5 from Upper Dicker towards home, we had been stuck behind traffic all the way to East Hoathly by-pass. As I expected, he pulled out and began to overtake the line of cars (4 or 5 off the top of my head) and I obviously went with him. We were quite happily passing them at about 65 or so when he all of a sudden floored it. By the time I had spotted and changed down to 4th he had rattled on some, but the scoob pulled like a train and I started to reel him in steadily. Really pleasing because I was too far back to be slip streaming him. We got to the round about where he slowed down and then took off again! Stupid mistake this time, I was all over him like clap through the twists!! Fair play to the bloke though, got a good friendly wave!

I would never get rid of mine, unless financially I had to! The M3 would go first without a shadow of a doubt.
What! And Laura did not have your balls tightly squeezed between her hands
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