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Old 09-10-2010, 10:47 PM
Scooby Roo Scooby Roo is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Brisvegas Baby
Posts: 177

I worked there many years ago sticking a tunnel underneathe the town centre.

Councillors there need their heads testing, bunch of lunatics.

I did hear that the Queen opened the big shopping centre there so the council put on busses to send the homeless for a day trip to Ramsgate. Idiots brought them back in the afternoon. Ramsgate's a bigger hole than Hastings IMHO so wouldn't have noticed

Otherwise the problem with Hastings other than the Concil is the lack of access. If they had a better rail link and road access was improved other than the woeful A21 and A28 [from memory] then people would turn up much like Brighton. Until that's fixed the Council will run the town into the ground.

Ranting on a bit so will shut my face now

Bad luck on the pier but wouldn't hold my breath for a replacement or rebuild.
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