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Old 28-11-2010, 08:05 PM
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scooby999 scooby999 is offline
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Originally Posted by majorscooby View Post
so so disappointed with gt5, 5 years in the making and a year delayed and what a load of poo!

Seriously, the load times are a blooming joke for the tracks as it wants to install everything on your machine first before you can play em, and viewing the cars in the menus is just plain irritating.

Its impossible to play on line and sony have recommended you play without connecting to the net to prevent glitchy play and bugs they need to sort out (wtf!), some of the scenery is 2d and looks like it came from gt2 close up, shadows are jaggy and dog toothed, and the gt menu for you to navigate around looks a mess!

Then theres the crash damage or lack off!!!!!!!!!! Advertises it on the box but nothing happens in the game. Have read some where that it appears later on in the game????? Yeah righto.

If you haven't bought this yet i really wouldnt bother and would stick to forza 3 or buy 4 early next year (think its out april time).

Sorry for the rant but its just plain disappointing, some of my fellow work mates have already traded it in!!!!.

Me, well im gonna spend my time playing black opps, gt5 can take the back seat.
not happy then lol
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