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Old 23-01-2009, 11:51 PM
Squadron-Leader Squadron-Leader is offline
Bronze Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: 555 Wgn Sqn HQ (in a secret place)
Posts: 161
Default ATTENTION potential new recruits

Sqn Ldr to PNR's.... Sqn Ldr to PNR's

Welcome to a way of life. You have been chosen from the best of the best to represent the Sqn in all matters Wagon.

You will have to learn the art of speaking in Charlie Oscar Delta Echo and understand the differences between Narf welding and Nerf controlling boom adjusters... not to mention Flange pivot thrusters and New nubbits.

The Sqn will be organising a Delta Alpha Yankee at Flied base Delta Papa later in the year where you will be invited to come along and be a bit silly in front of a camera.

Acceptance to the Sqn depends on your silliness, so be as Sierra India Lima Lima Yankee as you dare!

Ps. Sqn Ldr to Simpleton... NY HQ is a 10-4 roger cabin boy... colour scheme force Omega dot point 555.4 match sweet as a nut... position is Alpha One varying degree 2 on a vector victor... did you turn the lights out before returning home?
Sqn Ldr 105/184.... over
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