Thread: Bluebell wood
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Old 21-04-2011, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve_PPP View Post

great pics Steve, really like the grass one (last pic) for some reason.

what shutter speed was the first one, it looks like the foreground has movement (breeze?) in it as well as being deliberately out of focus?
Cheers Steve I like the last one too.

The camera setting for the top pic are as follows:

f2.8 - 1/200 second - ISO 200 - @200mm

You are correct in the fact that there was a right to left breeze, this only shows on the foreground as the inside of the wood was obviously more sheltered.

Originally Posted by majorscooby View Post
The last one really makes you stare into it, for me its trying to find that point at which the grass is most in focus. Plus the earthy lines draw you attention up the image to the horizon even though its blurry.
I really like the lead in lines on this picture, it does draw you all the way to the end even though it is out of focus.

I am going back to take more pics this weekend at a much better time of day, about 6pm. Due to the orientation of the woods, the late evening sun will be streaming through the woods. I will also retake the last pic with a bit more depth of field, something like f5.6.

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