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Old 18-03-2010, 12:04 AM
Scooby Wez Scooby Wez is offline
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Default What would you do if your child was stabbed at school

Now 2 weeks ago my boy comes home from school and burst's into tears (not like him) He started secondary school last sept and there has been a bullying issuse since then we have had at least half a dozen meetings. Problem is it is a girl from a very narsty family so can not talk to them.Now this time she stab's him ok with a pen but the force went through his coat,sweatshirt and t-shirt then marking a cut in his side.Now my old job was with in the school system and with all the new anti-bullying stuff going on i am stright up the school and very nicely ask to see there anti bullying manager.Now this person takes us off to her office with nice bolt down chairs and start's to talk to me as if i am some half wit(Not knowing what job i did) and trying to get me angry knowing she is trying to use Eric Berne's theroy to get me to a state of arguing i asked what was going to be put in place about the bullying.She told me it would be dealt with by the school meeting ends.My son then has nightmares on the next two nights so off to the doctors we go he finds a lot of bruiseing around the impact point and tells us it must of been some force to do it then gives us a mild sleeping tablet in between all this i have been on the phone to all the partys that needed to know at county as i was keeping my son off school to the matter is sorted.No news from the school so i phone them they told me it was being dealt with and if my son went back to school he could be put in isolation to keep him away from the bully i asked why he should be in isolation not the bully and why was the known bully still at school this ended with a meeting being set up with the deputy head.Now when this comes round(last Friday)my boy had decide to go back and face the bully and not change school which i think is realy good at the meeting i find they had not told the school police officer which they should have and had not contacted the county anti bullying team i asked why to be told again it was being dealt with under the school system i am also told the bully is now not at school.So Monday comes off to school he goes by 10am the phone call comes the bully is there and it's all off again but this time she is being made out to be the bullied one by my son and his friend(also bullied by her from the start in sept) but as my son had used his time out card as given by the dep head he was not in the lesson as he could see it kicking off.Off to the office of the nice bulling manager he goes to be told he is lieing and they where going to do dna and finger prints to which we will have to pay and now the teachers where watching his every move.Funny how this was not done when he was attacked by her since september if it had been perhaps this all would not have happened.Now he will not go back again as in that one day he got 2 detentions one from being late from the meeting to which the teacher knew of.He just feels now what ever he does will be wrong.So sorry to all of you that have taken the time to read this i know it has gone on abit but i realy am at a loss now what to do home ed is an option but he should be at school with his friends but the Dad part of me say's what if it's a knife next time or do i go local paper as it feels like the school is trying to keep it under rap's.Any thoughts or advise would be great.
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Old 18-03-2010, 10:19 AM
Scooby Wez Scooby Wez is offline
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Hi thanks for that just got off the phone to them and they have given me some very good advise.Best bit is i now a goverment number to ring so hopfully will kick the schools butt into gear.
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Old 18-03-2010, 10:39 AM
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Wez, I can't begin to imagine how you feel or just how frightened your son is.

The thing that sickens me is the fact that the "other party" involved in this to a certain degree ends up being protected. And because they are from a certain kind of background they are untouchable.

All of that loony lefty ethos that was introduced in the 80's is not only the downfall of the fabric of school discipline, but as a knock on, is responsible for the poor state of society as a whole now. We live in a topsy turvey world these days, where people who are in the right are poorly treated when the tainted side of society decide they want to cause trouble.

I'm glad you have got the right people involved in this Wez and hope that they get the results you and your son deserve.
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Old 18-03-2010, 11:35 AM
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I've had the same problem but with teachers, I would definitely get the police involved
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Old 18-03-2010, 11:54 AM
old red old red is offline
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get the doc to do a report. get the police involved , and the local news papers
the more people who know the better. hope it all gets sorted for your son
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Old 18-03-2010, 01:47 PM
DukeBoy DukeBoy is offline
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Well if it was me (i know it's wrong), i would give her a good f***ing slapping myself and suffer the consequences. It sounds like the school is not intereseted in the slightest (a real shame), why should a young child suffer just because they are to f***ing lazy to do anything about it.

Take it all the way and make sure the school get done aswell, which school is it by the way???

Hope you get this sorted Wez!!!
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Old 18-03-2010, 02:40 PM
scatz scatz is offline
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As already mentioned, I would report this incident to the police and ask them what they can do about it, seeing as the school doesn't want to broach the subject to intensly. Stabbing your son, whether it be a pen or a knife is assault (maybe even aggravated by the letter of the law) and as such should be dealt with in the confines of the law!

Perhaps you may wish to discuss your intentions with the school before you go ahead and make this decision, they may actually pay heed to what you are saying then

Lets hope your son can carry on as normal without the need to be uprooted from his friends that he has already

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Old 18-03-2010, 05:31 PM
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Sorry to hear this mate, really feel for you and of course your son.
I am not so level headed and sensible as you guys, you are most definatley doing the right thing, however i would drag the father out of his house and give him a right good pasting.Would do not good but he would then may be get a taste of fear.
I hope you get the help you need to get this sorted.
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Old 18-03-2010, 08:04 PM
Scooby Wez Scooby Wez is offline
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Ok after my last post i contacted the school.Told them i wanted the matter past on to there police liaison officer and a copy of there anti bullying policy as this is the route parent line had told me to go down.Also told them if they wanted to dna/fingerprint my son i would want the girl done as well.To this i added that if they did not contact me within 24hr's i would take it up with the school governors.At this point no reply from the school.If they think i am going to let this drop they are wrong.
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Old 18-03-2010, 08:07 PM
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wez i would do as crowman said,as 4 the police there a waste of time .they only protect the criminals or bullys as in your case.look wot happend 2 del+sues lads when they was attacked
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Old 01-04-2010, 11:13 PM
buzz buzz is offline
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a friend of mine had this sort of thing happend with his son, well sort of

he had a knife held to his neck the kid was in shock to say the least, the father my friend found out were the said bully/attacker lived,

my mate the father stands 6f9inch tall and stocky knocked on the door and said to the parents,not mentioning his sons name, that if your son threterns or bullys anyone in school or out of school any more that A he knows were to come and B it will be you the parents that will get bulled,

his son hasnt been botherd since and is ok, im also not saying this is the best advise or action to take,

on another note a young lady friend who was sexaly assulted, the bloke did try to rape her had her court case this week and the little sick git, said she was a prostite and got away with it, the police told my lady friend she was the fourth victim thay new about, i am in total shock, at our legal system and glad wasnt actualy raped,
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Old 02-04-2010, 01:02 PM
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Sorry to hear the bad news mate.
Involve the Police.

Sounds like the girl comes from one of those families where the parents are just as bad?
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