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Old 21-07-2022, 02:41 PM
Ferd Ferd is offline
Formerly Taomyn
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Posts: 226
Exclamation Time to switch to HTTPS

Please could someone switch on HTTPS for this forum?

Apart from the security implications which mostly annoy me as this is something I have to adhere to in my work life, it's now causing every single "decent" browser on PC and mobile to throw up many warnings because HTTPS is not supported - it won't be long before all browsers simply won't connect to HTTP.
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Old 22-07-2022, 01:05 PM
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Frenchie Frenchie is offline
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For us less knowledge people what is HTTPS?
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Old 22-07-2022, 06:34 PM
Ferd Ferd is offline
Formerly Taomyn
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Originally Posted by Frenchie View Post
For us less knowledge people what is HTTPS?
HTTP is the language your browser talks to the forum with to produce the pages, however everything transmitted is in "clear text" so anyone snooping the connection can see what is being send/received including your username/password.

HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP, hence the "S" and encrypts the traffic between your browser and the forum. The connection is hence secure and cannot be intercepted, which is why your on-line banking can only be done with HTTPS.

It's the padlock symbol in the address bar above, if it's not there or says like on mine for this forum "Not secure", do trust it or transmit anything sensitive.
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Old 25-07-2022, 02:34 PM
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555_Si 555_Si is offline
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We are looking at the forum at the moment as it is in a state of being very difficult to upgrade. We are being forced, quite rightly by the hosting company to update our pho version. To goto https we will also need to spend extra money on a trust certificate.

At the moment the forum is in jeopardy of being closed down, but we are working in the background to try and give it life for a few more years to come.
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Old 25-07-2022, 05:23 PM
Ferd Ferd is offline
Formerly Taomyn
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 226

Ok - are there any options either through the host or with the upgraded versions of the forum to support Let's Encrypt free certificates? I moved all my certificates over to them a few years back once my firewall supported it, as I host all my own services, and it takes care of the 3 month renewal for me so I've barely had to maintain it.
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