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Photography Discussion All your photographic chit chat

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Old 09-06-2011, 08:07 PM
mylilscooby mylilscooby is offline
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Default Possible Photo Shoot

Hey guys im trying to put together a professional photo shoot now that theres a bit of interst im waiting for my friend to get back to me on prices etc etc but it would be a cost spilt by everyone not a set price for a certian car just trying to find out who may want to do this???

there is a few possible GOOD locations ovb everyone has different tastes so would like to see what you guys have in mind??
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Old 09-06-2011, 09:10 PM
centurion73 centurion73 is offline
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Buddy, one of the SES crew does photo shots for her profile collection.. why not speak to her about photo shot.. I m sure she be happy to get involved
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