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Photography Discussion All your photographic chit chat

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Old 02-10-2010, 01:59 PM
Scooby Roo Scooby Roo is offline
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Default Photo and Video Editing Software

G'day from sunny Adelaide

Just had a brief visit to the motherland for family reasons and didn't get the chance to drop in for a meet would have been great to put faces to names [though I know a couple from old].

Anyways recently brought a Panasonic TM300 and have taken a bit of footage. I did have a very old version of Pinnacle Studio but it doesn't support AVCHD.

I haven't used a photo editing software either since an age old "copy" of Photoshop .

So I now need a video/photo editing software that supports AVCHD and good for photo's.

Have looked at a combination of Elements and Power Director but was wondering if there was anything equally as good?



PS - Worzel, picked up a 100mm IS Macro lens from Sim Lim so will be posting up some amateur macro pics very soon.

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Old 03-10-2010, 03:56 PM
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I don't have much to do with video editing at all, but I have been thinking about having a look.

I would check out the Adobe version as a starting place, I am sure there will be a 30 day trial of a suite from them. Plus you should be used to some of the interface already.

Looking forward to seeing the macro shots matey. I have been reading an article recently about macro which has wet my appetite for it again too. You will have some really great subject matter out there too
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Old 06-03-2011, 12:09 AM
burnt01 burnt01 is offline
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I've used pinnacal studio hd to edit a friends wedding recorded in avchd
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Old 01-05-2013, 07:58 AM
Alexis33 Alexis33 is offline
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Hi friends i am using Adobe Photoshop for edit the photos because i am a professional photographer and i have also my own photo studio and edit my clients photos from this software and this is good and best software to edit the photos and make your own style photo
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Old 04-06-2013, 01:43 PM
Alexis33 Alexis33 is offline
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